2018-11-30 17:46:03

Are you the type who swoons from the photographs of cute bears or mighty lions? Perhaps, you are even one of those lucky ones, who managed to capture the special "truly-nature" moment in the wilderness. Even if you are not, the idea of hiding out in the marshes and enjoying a rare look into 'a day in the life of.. (choose your favorite animal here)' still sounds exhilarating! And indeed, wildlife observation is an exciting adventure holiday and yes, since recently - Ukraine wildlife observation is also possible!

Where? How? What can I see there? Well, this blog article is one of the first in line that will bring you closer to the possibilities of animal watching in Ukraine. We'll start with Mizhrichynsky National Park, one of the country's newest conservation areas (officially since 2002).



Fact 1: Where is it?



Yep, huge indeed - that leaves plenty of places for a visit

The Park is located mere 2 hours drive away from Kyiv, in the Polissya area. Polissya is the name given to one of the largest European swampy areas in Europe. It's a part of Eastern European Lowland and includes territories in Ukraine, Belarus and partially Poland, as well as Russia.

Mizhrichynsky National Park is the largest conservation territory of Polissya in Ukraine and covers the 80 ha of area between two large rivers - Desna and Dnieper (thus the name - Mizhricchya, or 'between the rivers'). Park's entrance is located in the village Otrokhy, along the highway to Chernigiv.

Fact 2: What can I see?



Incredible elk!

Or rather who will you see? :) Well, Mizhrichynsky Park is home to over 30 endangered species of animals, 20 bird species - 'unfortunate members' of the Red Book, and many rare plants.  The pine forests cover most of the territory, but you can also see the rare river marshes and even unique sand dunes, virtually untouched and in their natural state.

Among the animals, you can spot elks, wild boars, roe deer, many wolves and foxes, weasels, countless rabbits, badgers and beavers. Park prides itself on being a habitat for one of Europe's rarest species - lynx!


Isn't it just too cute?!

Bird lovers can expect to see gray crane, black stork and gray shrike. Mighty birds of prey can also be found here, such as White-tailed Eagle and Spotted Eagle.

Fact 3: When should I visit?

If you'd like to come for wildlife observation, you should aim for early spring or late autumn. During those days, the lush green cover of the forest is gone, and spotting a careful elk becomes much easier. If you are hoping to take a photo of the rare lynx, these times of the year would be pretty much your only chance, as the animal is very good at hiding away from people and it takes quite some patience to meet one. (But what a reward!)



It took Reserve's Director a couple of nights to get this awesome shot!

Late spring and summer are perfect times for general hiking and learning about the conservation activities in the Park. Reserve's Director and its most passionate guide - Andriy - will take you to the farthest corners of the forest, show you the crane trail and lead you across the Bondarivske swamp. 

If you are interested in contributing to its noble mission, volunteering with the Park's management is always welcomed!

Fact 4: How can I get there?


This beauty is just hours away!

Getting there on your own can be tricky, but possible. You can take a bus, leaving from Kyiv Polissya bus station (Taras Shevchenko sq., 2 - Obolon District). Bus Kyiv - Chernigiv departs twice daily: at 11.30 and at 17.35. A bus goes to Morivske village ONLY, and from there you need to walk/catch a ride/book a pick up from the Reserve's management to Otrokhy village itself (4 km).

Make sure to catch the return bus the same day (at 8.00 and at 13.45), as there is no real accommodation in the area. If you don't mind roughing it out, Park's management offers a very basic indoor sleeping area (strictly for the budget travelers, but safe).

Alternatively, you can contact us and arrange a tour to the Park. We can also take you on a special wildlife observation and wildlife photography tour as well. Just drop us a line!

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